ErogoDesign - Improving digital skills for Ergonomics and Bioengineering Innovations for inclusive Health Care


ErgoDesign - Improving digital skills for Ergonomics and Bioengineering Innovations for inclusive Health Care. ErgoDesign is a European international project covering current trends in ergonomics and bioengineering for inclusive healthcare. The project presents state-of-the-art resources for the benefit of citizens and technical resources for designers to increase their competence and skills.

ErgoDesign proposal aims at developing a multi-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary e-learning course aimed at training HE students to become future designers and producers of implants for health care with special attention to the requirements of people with special needs. The project aims also at creating a community of practice around the topics of ergonomics and bioengineering that could communicate on a collaborative platform, fed with training contents, but also with information and knowledge from the stakeholders.

KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education


The official webpage of Tihomir Dovramadjiev, Bulgarian Professor (Assoc.) PhD Eng (Bulgaria, 2012), 1-st European Chessboxing Champion (Germany, 2005) and FIDE Master Title (Switzerland, 2004)

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