Chess Boxing

Chess Boxing is a sport combining chess with boxing by alternating the rounds in sequence. The synthesis of chess and boxing is a sports and applied discipline, a hybrid method of developing a person's intellectual and physical abilities, teaching the ability to combine mental and physical activity in extreme combat conditions. One of the main tasks of chessboxing is to teach adolescents, youth and adults to think, analyze, solve complex problems in the field of intellectual combat, as well as to simultaneously acquire practical fighting skills from boxing for sports, professional and defensive purposes. Other tasks include such aspects as maintaining a healthy lifestyle; training of professional personnel in the field of security and sports; development of the intellectual and physical abilities of modern human.
The official webpage of Tihomir Dovramadjiev, Bulgarian Professor (Assoc.) PhD Eng (Bulgaria, 2012), 1-st European Chessboxing Champion (Germany, 2005) and FIDE Master Title (Switzerland, 2004)

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