International Ergonomics Association (IEA)   


IEA NewsBriefs: October 2023 



On October 18th and 19th representatives of the federated and affiliated societies that make up the governing body of the IEA met for the annual Council meeting. The meeting was hosted by the Chilean Ergonomics Society, SOCHERGO, and the network of South American ergonomics societies, ULAERGO, who held a combined congress immediately afterward with the theme Inclusion and Diversity. The Council meeting was a hybrid event allowing the members who were not able to participate in person to participate online.

During the meeting the decision was made to accept two new federated societies to the IEA family, the Bulgarian Association for Ergonomics and Human Factors and the Ergonomics and Workplace Management Society of Romania. A series of workshops were held to discuss issues of common interest so that experiences could be exchanged and ideas for future activities developed. The themes included membership acquisition and support of early career members, society development strategies, and promoting education programs.

The official webpage of Tihomir Dovramadjiev, Bulgarian Professor (Assoc.) PhD Eng (Bulgaria, 2012), 1-st European Chessboxing Champion (Germany, 2005) and FIDE Master Title (Switzerland, 2004)

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