In books

Gino Di Felice (2017). Chess International Titleholders 1950-2016. Publisher: McFarland & Company, Incorporated Publishers. ISBN-10:147667132x, ISBN-13: 9781476671321, Paperback: 376 pages. Printed in United States of America.
page 81 ... Dovramadjiev, Tihomir Atanassov (Bul), b. 22 May 1979 Varna, FM 2004. Peak rating 2356 (January 2011).

Gary Lane (2001). The Ultimate Closed Sicilian. B. T. Batsford Ltd, London. First published in 2001 / ISBN 0 7134 8687 2. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data.
Main Games....Dovramadjiev-Semkov p.58 - 60 / 1996

The official webpage of Tihomir Dovramadjiev, Bulgarian Professor (Assoc.) PhD Eng (Bulgaria, 2012), 1-st European Chessboxing Champion (Germany, 2005) and FIDE Master Title (Switzerland, 2004)

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