German Landesliga

German Landesliga Saison 2003 - 2004

In German team league, playing for SV "Nashuatec" - Berlin, Germany, where won the German Landesliga for the 2003-2004 season, defeating the Gillette team in the decisive match. 

Recorded result for the Nashuatec team: 22 wins, 2 draws, and 0 defeats.

Rangliste Brett 1 Rangliste: Stand nach der 23. Runde Rang Teilnehmer TWZ Verein/Ort G S R V Punkte SoBerg Brett 1. Dovramadjiev, Tih 2331 SV Nashuatec 22 20 2 0 21.0 214.50 2. Kalinitschew,Serg 2487 SK Gillette TUR 22 18 3 1 19.5 190.75 3. Gerschau,Claudio 2179 SC Weisse Dame22 17 1 4 17.5 165.75 4. Jähnisch,Frank 2265 König Tegel 1 22 16 3 3 17.5 163.50 5. Dauth,Benjamin 2275 König Tegel 2 22 14 3 5 15.5 138.50 6. Gruzmann,Boris 2314 SK President 1 22 14 1 7 14.5 123.75 7. Offermann,Fernand 2093 SK Gillette MAC22 13 3 6 14.5 121.75 8. Schmidt,Peter 2125 SV Königsjäger 22 12 4 6 14.0 125.50 9. Figura,Atila Gajo 2158 SC Kreuzberg 1 22 13 2 7 14.0 121.25 10. Ritz,Olaf 2050 Lasker-Wilmersd22 12 3 7 13.5 119.75 11. Gallien,Fabian 2031 SW Lichtenrade 22 9 5 8 11.5 92.25 12. Kimpinsky,Frank 2223 SV Empor Berlin22 11 0 11 11.0 83.50 13. Groeppel,Peter 2030 Baubehörde Ham22 9 2 11 10.0 75.50 14. Harndt,Jan-Michae 1687 BSR 1 22 6 5 11 8.5 73.50 15. Konopka,Peter 1822 SC Rochade 22 8 0 14 8.0 48.00 16. Bubolz,Konstantin 1823 König Tegel 3 22 6 3 13 7.5 52.00 17. Alder,Bodo 2114 SC Post Wedding22 7 1 14 7.5 51.25 18. Judas,Sven 2084 Team Dänemark 22 6 2 14 7.0 37.25 19. Reiche,Andreas 1885 SK Gillette SEN 22 6 1 15 6.5 40.50 20. Weiser,Bernd 1761 Deutsche Teleko 22 3 6 13 6.0 45.00 21. Arinstein,Michael 1800 SK President 2 22 4 1 17 4.5 33.00 22. Dumitru,Christine 1425 BSR 2 22 3 1 18 3.5 18.75 23. Huth,Ricardo SC Kreuzberg 2 22 0 0 22 0.0 0.00

The official webpage of Tihomir Dovramadjiev, Bulgarian Professor (Assoc.) PhD Eng (Bulgaria, 2012), 1-st European Chessboxing Champion (Germany, 2005) and FIDE Master Title (Switzerland, 2004)

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